UPDATE for 2022
From JMC Motorsports on Instagram
This was a hard post to make and a way harder decision for everyone here at JMC. We will not be racing Supercross in 2022 or fielding an Amateur National team. We accomplished a lot over the last year and the years before but unfourtanely JMC is not in the position to go racing due to several factors outside of our control. We hope to return to racing full time in the future and @jmc_motorsports will still support professional and amateur athletes for the 2022 season but we will not have a race team.
Thank you to all of our partners, staff, riders, and most of all you!! Our dedicated supporters, fans, and friends that kept us going since 2016.
2021 Team Riders:
#63 Martin Castelo @mcastelo_
#65 Carson Brown @carsonbrown_910

Team Sponsors:
JMC motorsports, Fly Racing, Husqvarna Motorcycles, Liqui Moly, Integrity Electrical Services, Pirelli, Yoshimura, Wossner, Rangeline Group, Western Powersports, ODI, Acerbis, Alliance Steel, Axiom, WP Suspension, Owens Meats, Horn Rapids Motorsports Complex, Engine Ice, McCormick Excavation, Steelkorr, Chambers Enterprises, Rekluse, Dubya, ETS Racing Fuels, Gaerne, Guts Racing, DT1 Filters, ARC, Storage Systems NW, JMC Ventilation Refrigeration.
@jmc_motorsports @flyracingusa @husqvarnamotorcyclesusa @liquimoly_powersports @liquimoly.usa.canada @igopinned @pirellimx @yoshimura_rd @wossnerpistons @rangeline_tapping_svcs @odigrips @acerbisusa @alliancesteelracing @wp_usa @owensmeats @hornrapidsmx @engineice #mcCormickExcavation @steelkorr @mikethetreeguy @rekluse_motorsports @dubyausa @ets_racing_fuels @gaerneusa @guts_racing_inc
@dt1filtersusa @arcmemlon #storagesystemsnw #jmcventilationrefrigeration
Facebook: @jmc.ms.racing
Instagram: @jmc_ms_racing
Tiktok: @jmcracing
Youtube: JMC Motorsports Racing
Image courtesy JMC Motorsports Racing