I tried my butt off… I hit neutral going off a tabletop in qualifying going over the bars and the bike landed right on me (video posted on Instagram @moranzracing). Let my hand sit in ice until the night show. They did x-rays, nothing was broken, just got smashed really hard with swelling and some blood vessels busted which made it very painful and tight. Went for a good start in the heat which I got but my hand wouldn’t allow me to go through the whoops. Pulled off to save it all for the LCQ. Ripped a sick start from the very outside gate with a wheelie all the way down the start straight, held on for dear life, and fought as hard as I could. My hand (throttle side) was giving out in the transitions causing me to not be very smooth which lost me the transfer positions I needed ending 7th (top 4 transfer to the main).
Hurt hand or not, starts are still there! Hah, I take full credit for this one, on nobody but me. Thankful to be mostly healthy. After returning home, I had it x-rayed again and everything came back clear. Just a soft tissue contusion which should be back to normal in a couple weeks. Damn I love this 450, we will be 100% for Atlanta and back into those main events. Seriously blessed for all of the support from KTM USA this week , DSC construction, Monarch Heavy Haul, Extreme Recycling, and everyone that is a part of Moranz Racing. I couldn’t do it without you.
Courtesy Kevin Moranz – Learn more by visiting