A photo gallery of some privateers in action at the New Jersey round of the 2023 Monster Energy Supercross Series. All images are by Jeff Kardas – Kardy Photo. Be sure to check out the social media accounts for the racers and support them if you can. Their Instagram accounts are listed below after the gallery. Don’t hesitate to contact Jeff for any advertising or usage needs for these or his other images.

# | Name | |
63 | Max Anstie | https://www.instagram.com/maxanstie/ |
751 | Josh Hill | https://www.instagram.com/joshill75/ |
46 | Justin Hill | https://www.instagram.com/justinhill46/ |
56 | Enzo Lopes | https://www.instagram.com/enzolopes/ |
132 | Nick Desiderio | https://www.instagram.com/nickdez/ |
44 | Benny Bloss | https://www.instagram.com/bbloss44/ |
129 | Lane Shaw | https://www.instagram.com/laneshaw86/ |
460 | Michael Hicks | https://www.instagram.com/mhickzzz_460/ |
285 | Coty Schock | https://www.instagram.com/cotyschock_/ |
59 | Robbie Wageman | https://www.instagram.com/wageman/ |
62 | Jace Owen | https://www.instagram.com/jaceowen_/ |
83 | Cole Thompson | https://www.instagram.com/colethompson16/ |
80 | Kevin Moranz | https://www.instagram.com/moranz.80/ |
90 | Tristan Lane | https://www.instagram.com/tristanlane90/ |
41 | Derek Kelley | https://www.instagram.com/_derekkelley/ |
67 | Cullin Park | https://www.instagram.com/cullinpark/ |
42 | Josh Varize | https://www.instagram.com/jammin.42/ |
15 | Dean Wilson | https://www.instagram.com/deanwilson15/ |