TPJ Racing – Pro Motocross – Round 8

Washougal MX Park located in the Pacific Northwest boasts one of the most photographable tracks on the circuit.  Nestled in a forest of evergreen trees, this track twists and turns around the natural terrain with grace and offers fans an up-close race experience with multiple different vantage points.

In the 250MX class, Logan Boye and “JR” Saunier were feeling great and connecting with both their bikes and the track.  Boye qualified 37th, just one spot away from making it directly into the main Moto’s of the day.  He ended up 8th in the consolation race.  JR, got a great start in the consolation race but a crash caused him to fall to the back of the pack for a 27th place finish.  Hunter Cross came out swinging with a season best qualifying position of 21st.  The track suited him well, he found his rhythm and pushed forward in both moto’s.  He went 22|22 for 24th overall for the day, another season best for him.

In the 450MX class, Romain Pape qualified just 5 seconds off the fastest lap set and just fractions of a second from placing in the top 10.  The Moto’s of the day didn’t go as he would have hoped; crashes in both left him fighting with everything he had to charge through the pack for his 16 |18 place finishes.  Overall, it may not have been the day he envisioned but did earn 8 crucial championship points with a 16th overall for the day. 

Trevor Schmidt also had some challenges early on, but once he figured out the track, he began to gain momentum and confidence to carry him through the motos.  Moto 1 he got a near last place start but put his head down and pressed forward for a 29th place finish.  In Moto 2 his start was better, but the day had taken its toll on his body causing him to fade late in the moto leaving him to cross the finish line in 33rd.  He took home 31st overall for the day.

In their words:

Romain Pape: “Washougal was fun.  Lots of fun riding this track in the trees.  The 14th time clocked at 5 seconds from the pole was fun.  Two good starts around the top 10 every time is just as nice.  Shame I fell in both legs early in the race, there was a chance to score a bit more but I gave it all I had both legs so going home smiling.  2 weekends off will do some good. I return to France for a few days to recharge the batteries and go to Unadilla August 12 for the rest of the adventure.”

Hunter Cross: “Washougal was all time, always really liked this place and I’m really happy with my riding all day.  Definitely had top 20 speed just didn’t put it together.  Moto 1 fell first lap went from 39 to 22 put in a great ride.  Moto 2 got a sick start and just hit a wall, upset I let that happen just gotta work harder.  P24 overall.  Thank you to everyone who supports me, gonna get to work on this 2-week break.”

Brian “JR” Saunier: “What better way to spend your birthday racing the pro national.  Saturday didn’t go how I wanted it.  Ended up crashing in the LCQ but my starts have been on point every time.”

Thank you to our amazing team of sponsors who support our riders on their Professional Journey!

FLY RacingWestern Power SportsAcerbisAll Balls Racing GroupBlackmore RanchCalifornia Coast PlumbersDSC ConstructionEBC BrakesExtreme RecyclingMonarch Heavy HaulMotoolRaptor BlasterUnited PavingVP Racing FuelsVP Stay Frosty Coolant, and Wharton Construction.

Scott Lukaitis
Scott Lukaitis