Tag: Derek Kelley

How to Walk an AMA Supercross Track

From Derek Kelley on YouTube Since I didn't race this weekend I figured I would show you guys how I walk the supercross track every...

What the H*ck Happened at A1?

From Derek Kelley on YouTube Not the ideal start to the season but we will bounce back stronger than before! Thank you for watching https://youtu.be/5OUv_If5lY0?si=R38758Jbdgh0ppqN

Team Announcement and 2025 Plans

From Derek Kelley on YouTube https://youtu.be/dWN1Glq-kdI?si=I0xAcDrTpKEdVbce

Fine Tunning the Yami with Chassis Testing (Day Job ep.2)

From Derek Kelley on YouTube Only a few more days left before the opener at A1! Really happy with were we got the bike in...

Starting to Get Comfortable on the Yamaha! (DAY JOB ep.1)

From Derek Kelley on YouTube Come with me to the Yamaha test track for my first time! It's dope to be able to ride up...

Three Brands in One Year ?? (2025 AMA SX prep)

From Derek Kelley on YouTube Stoked to be on this bike for the coming SX season! Stay tuned for more updates about my new program...