Tag: Freddie Noren

Fast Freddie (Ep. 12)- Trying To Race With A Broken Finger at Arlington 2

From Freddie Noren on YouTube Freddie tries to race Arlington 2 on a broken finger. The crew heads to the Send it for Jesus ride...

Fast Freddie (Ep. 11)- Broken Finger in Dallas

From Freddie Noren's YouTube channel. Freddie gets a compound fracture at the first round of Dallas Supercross. Tyler Bowers becomes our roommate for the...

Arlington SX – Round 10 – Privateer Photo Gallery

The Monster Energy Supercross residency began in Arlington on Saturday night with the 10th round of the 2021 season. Check out this privateer photo...

Fast Freddie (Ep. 10)- Daytona Supercross Wild LCQ

From Freddie Noren's YouTube channel. The crew heads to Daytona Bike Week for Supercross! Chris surprises Freddie with a bike week themed get-up. Freddie...

Fast Freddie (Ep. 9)- How Freddie came to America

From Freddie Noren's YouTube page. Freddie tells us how he was able to move from Sweden to America to chase his dream. Along with...

Fast Freddie (Ep. 8)- Orlando Supercross Round 2

https://youtu.be/egFE4qCJ19Q From Fast Freddie on Instagram- Our final round of supercross racing in Orlando then we had back home to do some training at Club MX!...